Home » NOW-Power » Ever Thought of DJing At Your Own Funeral?
DJ my own funeral

Ever Thought of DJing At Your Own Funeral?

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An offbeat question first: Ever wonder why Rock and Dance music can never co-exist? How about Country and Dub or Hip-Hop and Opera music? Certain crossover varieties have been, and always will be, a bad idea – forget ‘novelty’ or ‘innovation,’ no amount of force-fusing certain varieties of music will ever produce anything but sore ears or a good laugh. There are those that actually prefer instrumental music over vocal music, just who are these crazies?

Music carries a certain amount of our identity for us. It represents a unique subset of our emotions that are often attached to specific memories giving it a very powerful place in our psychological makeup. Those particular pieces of our identity that have been forged by music can often run very deep; they are like our secret garden!

Music has always had an intense impact on my emotional well-being. The soundtrack to my life would be an immensely rich tapestry of music, each piece representing a particular moment in life, a locator pin on the map of my brain and heart that might be amalgamated and meaningfully deciphered by some future technology.

Ever thought of djing at your own funeral?

As a former DJ I’ve always thought about what the soundtrack to my funeral would be like. The track selection I would pick would necessitate tracks that were hugely influential in my life in terms of their emotional and life-changing impact. Well, you’ll have to wait for my funeral to hear my set list! The music would span several genres including dub, reggae, drum and bass, electronica, rock etc., each track of which had a particular impact on the future posthumous me.

I can just imagine the amount of confused looks and gaping mouths as people would be wondering “what the hell are we listening to?” “Are we at a funeral or a party/rave?” I’m kind of an odd ball that way, but just envisioning that makes me smile!

dj music life

Music and life are mutually influential; there have been times where hearing an unexpected riff or rhythm has transformed my penchant for music, other times when music has been there to comfort or uplift me during life’s ups-and-downs. I’m actually one of those crazies who loves instrumental music!

How much of your DJ set would be familiar to your attendees, how much would be shock and awe?!? Something to think about. While you may not want to go the route of thinking like an eccentric and actually DJing your own funeral like I do, you may want to think about and start compiling a list of your all-time favourite tracks. The introspective journey may surprise you and allow you a chance to reflect back on your life and empower you in the NOW.

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One Response

  1. www.richtapestries.co.uk February 25, 2015

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