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A Positive Voice in the Choir of Humanity

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Each of our voices is a vocal part in the choir of humanity. This continuous and collective song every hour and every day reaches the ear of our Lord! What an awful, cacophonous song this must be! If you were to be subjected to even a millisecond of this deranged composition you would surely go mad from exposure to the vile putrefaction of voices in the lower sections of humanity.

Be a positive voice in the choir of humanity! Honor your God by lifting your daily thoughts up on high, keep your thoughts and prayers positive. Keep your inner monologue clean and righteous and your voice in pure form. I’m not preaching here LOL but providing a perspective for you to think about. Be cognizant of what you think, and think about what you think about! Imagine if you were listening to yourself (in the third person) rant and rave about the inequities of life or, conversely, if you were listening to yourself be appreciative of a good meal – how does that make you feel? Does that match your self-image? Is it a self-image that you would like to change?

Be a positive voice in the choir of humanity! Find a new part to sing or try and sing in a new vocal range. That is, find a new and positive voice for yourself. Be an offsetting voice in the choir of humanity, be that counterweight to the undisciplined and selfish vocal section who are a strain on the ear of our Lord. Energize and charge your thoughts with goodness, with kindness, and with gratitude.

Be a positive voice in the choir of humanity! Make your new part a better part. Be the best you can be by not settling for 2nd best in life. Don’t feel like you should be singing a part that is not suited for you, sing the song that makes you happy! Strive for the best in life and make the best of your goals and dreams; get rich, achieve that promotion; enjoy your family because our choir gets better when it’s members are collectively singing ‘better.’

Be a positive voice in the choir of humanity! Give vocal lessons to others when possible. Give back to the things that inspire you. I’ve learned that by giving back to charity or simply helping a friend is a rewarding way to not only strengthen someone else’s voice, but to strengthen your own. The more you give, the more you get. By simple acts of kindness you can elevate the voices in the choir around you, imagine the delight of our Lord when that happens!

positive voice

I hope this article has benefited you! Thank you for reading this article and being a part of NOW-Power!


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