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How “Detachment” Can Actually Hurt You!

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How “Letting Go” and “Detachment” Can Actually Hurt You!

The irony of “Letting Go” and “Detachment” is that you really don’t have to! The danger of “Letting Go” and “Detachment” is that it can actually hurt you! Let’s do a mini recap, shall we?

It is said that once you ask for something then all you have to do is release it to the universe and let it go! Detach yourself and it will arrive quicker than if you continually harp over when you expect it to arrive. Just detach from your desires and they will magically show up when you least expect it. Well not in my world it doesn’t!

“Detaching” and “letting go” is supposed to be a state where you aren’t focused on your goals or what you are intending to manifest. It is also a time where you are supposed to not pay attention to them by concentrating on other, more fun, things. If you do this, it is said, it will show up faster. “A watched pot never boils” is the old adage that is employed here as some inane measure of how frustrated you will feel!

Let me remind you of another adage: that of “equal and opposite reaction.” What we think and feel, and what we intend, comes back to us as an equal opposite (in direct proportion) manifestation. There is also: “ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened” (Matthew 7:7).

These gems reassure us that whatever we ask, in prayer, in faith, will be granted to us. My question is: if I know I AM receiving that new career that is going to ‘save’ me, why WOULDN’T I want to keep focusing on that desire, knowing that I will now have it???

If I knew by faith that I was going to receive the money to pay for an operation, why would I “detach” and go out and party and push that desire out into the nether regions of my heart and mind? That’s insane in my book! It’s so counter intuitive I can’t stand it!

If I know I am about to receive the greatest gift of my life that I spend hours, even months constructing, why on earth would I then simply discard that thought in utter disrespect? No, I’m going to focus on that new reality with a clearer focus and a vice-grip-like hold. I’m going to embrace that promise by preparing myself NOW to receive it when it gets here!

The irony of “detaching” from your desires is that you are actually detaching from your desires! Read that several times if you need for it to sink in. By not committing your mind and emotions to that goal, you are casting off the mooring lines and “letting it go;” like “letting it go” adrift out to sea. Bye, bye!! You’re sending a message out to the universe that you no longer want it. Remember, “equal and opposite reactions.”

Stay focused on your goals! Stay ATTACHED to your desires! Take inspired action toward your big dreams! You can do it, stay inspired!!! I love the prowess, beauty, eloquence, and raw desire that is embodied in the wolf. Not only are they superlative solo hunters, but they also work together in packs to accomplish their goals. They are the embodiment of innate talent! I love the laser-focus in the eyes of a wolf!

I hope this article has benefited you! Thank you for reading this article and being a part of NOW-Power!


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