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100 Photos of Manasco Cemetery in Alabama

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Manasco Cemetery is located in Walker County, Alabama, tucked away in the beautiful countryside surrounding Townley. Townley sits west of Jasper, northeast of Fayette and surrounded by other small towns such as Carbon Hill, Glen Allen, Berry, and even the eponymous Manasco, one of Alabama’s many ghost towns.

Manasco Cemetery is a small family cemetery dedicated to the Manasco family and its descendants. The 100 photos in the gallery below represent my trip there to visit my ancestors and to explore my own family history. I visited the Manasco Cemetery on December 16th, 2018. It was a chilly winter day, the leaves had all but fallen yet it was somehow a perfect day to visit and commune with those that have gone before.

I photographed every headstone in the cemetery.

This cemetery does have a Find A Grave memorial page; however, I’d like to make mine available to any family wanting more photos or different perspectives of the family cemetery in addition to what Find A Grave already has. There are also photos included in my collection that are not featured within their list of memorials; also, many of the FG photos are comparatively different from the ones I took which definitely illustrates the passage of time and the effect of the seasons on these sacred locations.

I left Manasco Cemetery both inspired and mystified! On the one hand my visit there was the result of a lot of planning and research: I use my vacation time to go on family history trips believe it or not. On the other hand I had expected to find the grave of David C. Manasco (my 4th GG) and it was not visibly marked. I would like to somehow divine the location of his final resting place. There are two possibilities: (1) he is beneath the unmarked long slab near his brother John and his parents John Sr and Vicy Odom; or, (2) he is actually interred in Manasco, Alabama, the small town that he founded back in 1879. This would make sense as the town itself was in existence from 1879 – 1900.

If anyone could help to identify mysterious headstones or grave sites in the Manasco Cemetery please leave a comment below or attach it to the relevant picture.

*A special thanks to Cyndi’s List for featuring this article!

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