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Civil War

Genealogical and Historical perspectives on the Civil War


Civil War Blunders: Abraham Lincoln’s Runaway Ship

Why did a ship runaway from it’s mission under direct orders in April 1861? Civil War Blunders abound but this one involves the USS Powhatan, Fort Sumter, and an over-ambitious lieutenant named David C. Porter. History recalls this story as the Seward-Meigs-Porter Affair. As the story goes, at the outset […]

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Why The Civil War Was Lost Before It Even Started

Why was the Civil War lost? It’s not why you think: the Civil War was lost before it even started! It was lost sometime around 1846, some 15 years before fighting actually broke out in 1861. According to author Clifford Dowdey, the South got caught in a LOGICAL TRAP that

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The Cold War Before the Civil War: Psychological Battleground

The Civil War raged from 1861-1865; however, did you know there was a 30-year COLD WAR before the Civil War that proceeded it like a cancer? This fresh perspective on the Civil War is important for both historian and family historian alike. This Cold War ran from 1832-1861 (29 years)

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5 Best Civil War Authors and Books in History

There are literally THOUSANDS of books on the Civil War, here’s 5 recommended Civil War authors and books that are historically accurate, well written, and balanced in their approach to both the North and South. The trick is to understand the difference between Civil War authors and books. Some authors

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3 Facts About the Civil War I Bet You Didn’t Know

Here’s 3 facts about the Civil War I bet you didn’t know. From President Abraham Lincoln to a little-known maritime disaster, there’s much more to this historic contest that meets the eye. I hope what you read makes you want to learn more about the American Civil War, aka The

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What Was the Civil War About? Why Were They Fighting?

The Civil War in America ran from 1861-1865, but what was it about? What were people fighting for and why did they choose to fight? The answer can be found not in ideologies and political doggerel, but in personal choice. The answer to what made the Civil Was such a

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states that make up the south

Which States Make Up The South?

Our nation is not very different from other nations around the world in that there are geographic divisions that also represent cultural divisions. Saying “north” or “south” invites a concomitant cultural designation. However, the two are not coterminous. So, which states make up “the South?” We know Yankees come from

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battle of new orleans

The Battle Of New Orleans, the battle that never should have been!

The Battle of New Orleans was a battle fought as the culmination of the War of 1812. The War of 1812 is an interesting conflict in American History because, in many respects, it was an offshoot of the American Revolutionary War in that postwar tensions, as well as the ongoing

The Battle Of New Orleans, the battle that never should have been! Read More »

steamer sultana maritime disaster

The Steamer Sultana Explosion and the Collins Family

This is the story of Joseph Henry Collins (1817-1865) and his eldest son James Robert Collins (1844-1919). The bio of Joseph Henry Collins below is reproduced, in its entirety with permission, from the following Find A Grave memorial. It is also the story of the Steamer Sultana, the worst maritime

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