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How To Achieve Success and Never Look Back! Part I

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The Universe’s Guide to Achieving Success, Part I – The Power of Positive Thought!

Let’s get down to the nuts and bolts of the Law of Attraction! Let’s economize how thought interplays with success, or, how thought drives success. What I hope to achieve in this article is to optimize your ability to achieve success by (1) building a definitive model of the process; and (2) defining its variables. This is the template that I have used (and currently use) to achieve success in my own life via the Law of Attraction, how I have purposefully manifested my own goals. I’m going to lay off more of the emotionally-driven language in this article and stick to the science behind the LOA.

Thought (T) drives Success (S)
T => S

By “success” I mean the achievement of our goals or the attraction of that thing or end-result that you have been focusing on via the many tools available to you as a student of the law of attraction. The end-result state or goal is also known as your vision. In order to get from THOUGHT to SUCCESS, mastering several terms or variables are necessary: Universe, thought, feelings, reality, now, vision.

In between the T and the S are other steps and variables (listed above) that we must first explore. The structure and hierarchy of those terms can be found below and are reiterated from my Page defining NOW-Power.

“There are several irrefutable facts about the Universe:

  1. The Universe is intelligent;
  2. The Universe is limitless;
  3. The Universe will create for us based on our thoughts;
  4. Our thoughts drive our feelings;
  5. Our thoughts, combined with our feelings, drive our actions;
  6. Our thoughts and feelings, combined with action, empower our reality;
  7. Now (the present) is the only thing to which we can apply action”

Our thoughts create our reality! It is a gift from the Universe, God if you will, that allows us the freedom of choice, that inevitable cornerstone of existence and ultimate universal accountability called FREE WILL. There is no getting around that! THOUGHT is a function of FREE WILL, or, phrased differently, FREE WILL is at the root of THOUGHT. Thought is the driver and creator of all things. Our thoughts create our emotions, our reality, our actions, and therefore our success.

It’s a hard pill to swallow but all of our current situations, good or bad, are a result of our thoughts. If you are in a good situation then you can create a better one; if you are in a bad situation, well, I hate to say it, but you attracted it! Sorry! I wouldn’t say that without also offering you a SOLUTION which is that you can also un-create it! I am sharing my personal method of changing my life around, I consider NOW-Power as my own proven techniques to harness the power of positive thinking, emotions, and action to adjust my reality. If I can do it, you can too! As I have mentioned in other articles, all of these techniques I learned from others in my studying of the Law of Attraction; I certainly didn’t sit under a tree for 300 years or something like that, I’m just not that cool! However, it does take DISCIPLINE and FOCUS.

There is so much more I would like to say on the subject of thought; however, for brevity’s sake let’s sum it up in practical terms like this: as related to success it is a simple balancing act, we need to think more positive thoughts than negative thoughts. Our thoughts have a cumulative effect.

Ok, so what should we think about then? Well, our VISION! Very briefly our vision is our goal, which can be physical, financial, spiritual, etc. For example, say you want a new car or a new job or a certain financial position then you must spend time clearly defining that in your mind. Hazy, passive thoughts will not be enough to “define” it in your mind, you must commit time and energy and emotion into this process. You must invest yourself into visualizing it with absolute clarity, and, furthermore, you must allow yourself to have it by knowing that you deserve it! Since I am sharing my personal model for success I also have to adamantly say that selfish or purely egotistical visions are not effective drivers of success, but that’s just my opinion! My vision is both personally beneficial to me as well as to others. I call it the human capital multiplier effect.

This is where the DISCIPLINE and FOCUS part really come into play. Let’s look at thoughts graphically. As the graph below indicates, positive thoughts and negative thoughts are inversely related, that is to say, they are naturally opposed to one another. The more of one you have, the less of the other and vice versa.
positive thought
Let’s look at it a different way. Let’s examine the relationship between thoughts and success. Positive thoughts drive success. Positive thoughts increase the possibility for success. Again, “positive thoughts” are the thoughts that you expend while focusing or visualizing your end-result state, or “success.” Think and meditate on the new job or the financial state seeing every intricate detail and know that it is already yours. Your thoughts have to be positive and directed at something positive.
positive thought
It is reasonable at this point to take some time to think about your VISION! It is in your best interest to think positive thoughts while considering all of this information, I certainly hope I have not overloaded you! Your emotional state while thinking about your vision is a highly-charged lightning rod!!! You may not realize it now but hopefully at the end of Part II of this article you will understand just how powerful our thoughts are. Each thought has a massive amount of latent potential universal energy in it! Don’t fret, however, just remind yourself, as coy as it may sound, that your thoughts are YOUR THOUGHTS. You own them so take ownership of them, they are precious commodities, you know. The are the gift of human intelligence from the Universe, they are the one possession that no one can take away and the ultimate yardstick of our success! Wow! I feel good now, how about you?!?

Ok, moving on! I mentioned earlier that success is a balancing act of thinking more positive thoughts than negative thoughts and that our thoughts are cumulative in their effects. Let’s graph that statement out.

positive thought

What the above graph shows is that there is a threshold for success that lies between positive thoughts and negative thoughts. Think more positive thoughts and you will be ABOVE that threshold, think more negative thoughts and you will be BELOW that threshold. In reality, over time, our thought patterns probably look like this.

emotion and success

Positively focus your thoughts on your end-result, have the discipline to carry that over time. Using the various Law of Attraction techniques, it is very possible. However, thoughts are only the beginning! Remember, thoughts drive our FEELINGS, and FEELINGS drive our ACTIONS.

This is where it is going to get juicy! In the next part, I will cover the power of FEELINGS and how our emotions play a central role as lightning rods for unleashing all of the potential of the Universe that we can harness. The Universe wants us to be successful and is waiting to grant us all that we can humanly achieve. The Universe is a MIRROR to our thoughts and emotions, force and counterforce, action and equal-and-opposite action, law of attraction.

Stay tuned! Thank you for taking the time to read this and being a part of NOW-Power!




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