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NOW-Power 2015 Preview of Articles for the New Year!

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Hello good people! Well, I was so excited to launch this site that I just hit ‘publish’ with only a few articles to read so I have to let you know about some of the upcoming topics that I will be writing about beginning in January of 2015. I hope you find useful what is on the site so far and if you are looking for more, then don’t you worry, there is plenty more in store so follow or bookmark us and stay in touch!!!

I’ve listed the articles that I have already written in my mind which are forthcoming on this site, including a brief synopsis.

 A Convenient List of Law of Attraction Terms
When addressing or learning a new field (knowledge or game), deciphering the terminology of that field is paramount. If we don’t know what we are talking about, we don’t know what we are talking about! Cataloguing, defining, and adopting words into our vocabulary will only make us a more reasonable and process-driven person. What I want to share with you is a list of Law of Attraction-related POWER terms that I have come across and have incorporated one way or another into my successful vocabulary (lexicon). Words are neat in the emotive power that they have on each of us as human beings, infinite attractors.

The Importance of Deep Breathing both Physically and Mentally
Did you know that most people only consider food and water as basic nourishment? And given a choice between eating and drinking water, most will point to eating as primary or use food only to define ‘nourishment.’ That’s insane! That’s inane! That’s lame! Water is more important; however, what’s more important than water is AIR!

If you consider AIR, WATER, and FOOD, you can rank the importance of each based on the interval of time you can go without them. So, importance is inversely proportionate to the amount of time you can go without either air, water, or food, which is to say that the longer you can go without something, the less important it is. Conversely, the less time you can go without something, the more important it is. That’s just called survival! Check out this nifty graph…

Creating a Clearly Defined Vision to Empower Your Now
I touched on this topic briefly in my article “10 Ways I Got Rid of Burnout Once and For All – My Emergency Burnout Kit!;” however, I want to show you how to create that holy grail of attraction, your VISION. We all know about visualization. Make a vision board, create that mind movie in our heads, listen to inspirational music, picture our end-result, etc. All good stuff! There are so many different visualization techniques out there on the web and in books being proffered by all of the experts out there on the subject, the key is to find what works for you. As I mentioned in my other Article “I’ll Challenge Your Law of Attraction Team!,” we are lucky because we can cherry-pick what works for us. Use now what you like, bookmark the rest for later in case you need options – I never discredit or discard LOA techniques because sometimes they’ve come in handy for me later on.

For me, the greatest, single investment of your time in terms of the Law of Attraction and the positive manifestation of your goals is to create as clear a vision of your end-result goal as possible! This is an absolute necessity and no growth or attraction of your goal towards you is possible without it, it is a manifestation pre-requisite. It might take a day, a week, a month but it must be done, and it must be FUN! I personally spent a good six months crafting my vision! Only after you have done this can you create vision boards and other auxiliary visualization techniques. As a short disclaimer: this is what works for me, your experience might be slightly different but that’s the ultimate beauty of the system, we can tailor-make it for ourselves! My experience shouldn’t be your experience.

“We’re Here to Pump, *clap*, You Up!” The Law of Attraction and Hypertrophy
As someone who knows a fair bit about muscle science I can tell you that the laws of physical growth have a lot in common with the laws of attraction and the cultivation of abundance. It’s all one Universe, people! In this article I will correlate the principles of hypertropy, or the ‘science of muscle growth,’ with that of manifesting your desires. A big lesson I learned early on as a student of the Law of Attraction is that discipline and focus will lead to success every time! HOW to apply discipline and focus, however, is the key, because like anything else scientifically based (and the Law of Attraction IS scientifically based!), too much or too little of the right or wrong thing can result in either a dream achieved or the sinking of our Titanic. Stay tuned, I’m going to “pump, *clap*, you up!”

NOW-Power and How to Master Time to Achieve Abundance
The Universe is truly amazing! Equations seek to master what only us simple folk already understand! I have the utmost and profound respect for physicists and mathematicians who endeavor to quantify space and time; however, the Universe wants ALL of us to understand its deeper mysteries which is why the ultimate logic says that it has to be SIMPLE. How we understand time, how we conceive of time, how we relate to time will determine how we can master time. Why do we need to master time, you might ask? Well, simply put, time effects our thoughts and emotions. Our thoughts and emotions drive our actions and our actions directly effect our reality and the only TIME to which we can apply our LOA techniques is NOW. Not the past, not the future. NOW. This is going to be a juicy article!

The Financial Patronus Charm
We’ve all seen the movie Harry Potter I’m sure, well there’s a great scene in The Prisoner of Azkaban where Harry conjures up the Patronus Charm and vanquishes away the death eaters to save his uncle. I had fun with this idea because the success of this charm is based on one’s emotional state – the strength of the memory or emotion determines the success of the spell. Not that we’re casting spells here on NOW-Power but it is precisely our emotional state that is the compelling piece here! This article is about the technique of harnessing our emotions to attract that financial state that we would like to achieve.

There’s more to come besides these!! Stay focused, keep attracting, enjoy abundance, and always give thanks and emanate gratitude!



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