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10 Ways I Got Rid of Burnout Once and For All – My Emergency Burnout Kit!

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10 Inventive Ways to Avoid Burnout, Combat Burnout, and Rejuvenate Your NOW!

Imagine if we could feel all the time that feeling when you have your first cup of coffee in the morning?!? For me, about 6am I partake of my first dose after some daily meditation and focus breathing . . . oh boy do I feel charged up!!! The energy, especially after a good night’s sleep, is amazing; that epic caffeine coffee cascade is a pretty wonderful feeling I have to admit. Can you tell I love my coffee?

No matter who we are, where we come from, how successful we are, WE ALL EXPERIENCE BURNOUT. I feel it’s symptomatic of modern living to be honest; it’s both systemic and cyclical. I say it is systemic in that the Law of Attraction works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, non-stop, and is cumulative in its effects. That is to say, no matter what we are feeling, positive or negative, we are always attracting. Burnout may be the result of more negative than positive accumulating within us. It is also cyclical because burnout comes and goes and when it arrives should be no surprise because we invited it – attracted, manifested, intended it!

– > + = b

Feeling a bit heavy now that I basically said that you caused your own burnout? Feel more burnt out now? LOL. Hey! Smile! Have a hug and don’t worry! Just know that by me stating that you (me, we) cause our own burnout that I am also giving you the solution to un-cause it! That’s right, it’s all about the remedy here at NOW-Power!

I’m going to make your burnout go away and rejuvenate your NOW! Now!

Ok, so here’s the list. This is MY list for combating burnout to flip your emotional state from that low-slung, frumpy, grumpy, ‘I don’t give a rat’s’ state back to a clean, vibrant, focused emotional state where you are back in the game of manifesting purposefully, intently and presciently towards your goals. LOA baby!!!

10 Ways I Got Rid of Burnout Once and For All – My Emergency Burnout Kit! Here’s the list, I’ll elaborate briefly on each one below:

  1. Deep Breathing – get centered, get grounded!
  2. Meditate – chakras or prayers!
  3. Visualize – stimulate emotions with images and music!
  4. Affirmations – your impromptu coach!
  5. Re-focus walk – complete distraction: read, laugh, exercise, etc.!
  6. Tantrum – that’s right, I said it!
  7. Nourishment – Feed your body and blood cells!
  8. Remember Successes – you did the what, not the how!
  9. Helmet to helmet – get psyched, and get back in the game!
  10. Ask Again – make it so!

Remember, I’m sharing with you MY own personal techniques on how I avoid and combat burnout. You can use them as daily preventative maintenance or your emergency burnout kit!

I don’t use all 10 of these each and every day, but these are 10 tools in my arsenal that I can use effectively when I need them: some days meditation is the best tool, some days visualization, most days a re-focus walk does wonders. All of these work for me and I will combine several daily (e.g., 1, 2, 7, and 3) as preventative maintenance. The cold, hard reality for me is that I can only do so much visualization before I get sick of it and, yes burnt out (haha) on it, so I will opt to do more meditation and remembering successes to keep my emotional state while doing them cleanly and honestly. (If you are putting false or forced thoughts and emotions into any LOA exercise then CEASE AND DESIST immediately). <– that’s my free disclaimer and advice.

A simple, five-minute daily deep breathing exercise is all you need. Do it first thing when you get up; do it right before you go to sleep; do it in the middle of work or when you are feeling stressed out, but just do it. Use the same position you would to meditate, close your eyes and breathe deeply in through the nose and out through your mouth and exhale all of your problems! After you release the negative then begin to release your breath with GRATITUDE! Remember your affirmations, visualize yourself at the end-result of your goal, FEEL yourself there as you breathe and exhale GRATITUDE and ABUNDANCE. Recharge, refocus, re-ground yourself.

Key fact: by deep breathing you are taking back control of your NOW. You, and only you, are in control of the moment, at that moment, in the moment.

Deep Breathing is physical; Meditation is spiritual. I am including both meditation and prayer under the heading of Mediation here; however, please note that I never practice the two together, always separately. It’s always mediation OR prayer for me. I use techniques of opening my power centers through meditation as well as good, old-fashioned prayer to avoid and combat burnout. Meditation is an amazing way to keep connected to the Universe – remember that the Universe is the source of all of our power so it only makes sense to stay plugged in. Prayer is another amazing way to stay connected to the Universe via giving thanks to the Creator of that Universe. The Universe is where everything is manifested from, God is the Creator, the actuation of all power.

Personally, I use meditation to clean my energy, empower my ability to manifest what I want, and energize my body. I use prayer mostly to pray for others, to help family, and to give thanks and acknowledge all of the blessings in my life.

Key fact: both meditation and prayer remind us of the scale of the Universe in relationship to ourselves!

When I’m feeling burnt out I feel completely disconnected from the things that are important to me, I feel like I’m drowning and have no control over anything. That all translates to feeling helpless! Avoiding or combating burnout is all about taking back that control!!! Going from disconnected to being connected; having no control to being in control; feeling helpless to feeling empowered. NOW-[em]Power[ed].

Visualization really plays on the principle that a picture is worth a thousand words. I take that a step even further by saying that EMOTIONS ARE WORTH A MILLION PICTURES! Images are very powerful centering and connection tools, hence their popularity and effectiveness and ubiquity in relation to the Law of Attraction. What really infuses the power of the image is a feeling being associated with it. Through visualization, we provide that feeling and combine it with images that represent our goals and end-result state that we have achieved. Not will achieve, have achieved, are achieving.

Key fact: Positive emotions drive your vision. Find a quiet space, treat it like a meditation, spend 5, 10, 20 minutes (take all the time you need), zone out and listen to some music while you reflect on that visual representation with positive emotions.

Affirmations are like food: when we are full, we don’t want any more; when we are hungry, we wolf them down. When I am high on life, affirmations can be a bit hokey and cheese-ball-ish; when I am feeling down, they are an amazing source of reminders of my self-worth and inspiration! Find how they work for you! I keep a small TextEdit file on my computer of inspirational quotes and passages that I have taken from a variety of sources that I have dissected and incorporated into my NOW-Power success. I have used these to achieve measurable success in my own life in attracting abundance! I quote each, cite the source, and organize them in terms of their applicability – sorry, it’s just the academic in me.

Key fact: visualization is our impromptu LOA coach! When you need that someone in your corner to give you a pep talk, affirmations are there to do the job.

I cannot tell you the amount of times that just getting out and going for a nature walk has saved me! I am very fortunate in that I have a place not five minutes away that is lush in nature’s beauty and usually not a soul around. My dog and I go up there just about every day on a re-focus walk, which is basically my daily disconnect. There is something about walking that is amazingly cathartic, it stimulates the brain and thoughts just come pouring out and it’s a perfect time to inventory what’s on my mind.

The ultimate technique here is complete distraction. If walking is not your thing, then find that thing that is your complete distraction, it is very important during burnout phases to disconnect for a bit! If you’re lifting weights and lactic acid sets in, stop! If your muffins are burning in the oven, stop! If you’re driving and your engine overheats, stop! If you are burnt out, stop!

I don’t take what life gives me, I make what life gives me. Stop. Read, swim, exercise, bake, do whatever you do that is your burnout buster. The ultimate burnout buster is LAUGHTER. If you can find your way to laughter, burnout has no chance. Personally, if not friends making me laugh then I like to watch old reruns of Black Adder or Kids in the Hall.

Key fact: when you’re disconnecting, you’re actually reconnecting!

That’s right, I said it! Go ahead and throw yourself a tantrum if you are thaaat burnt out. I’ll admit, I’ve done it. It clears my emotions and somehow always makes me feel a bit silly and selfish afterwards; but hey, after the fact I’m now back on course. Please understand that too many tantrums are not good and can definitely be counterproductive. Rule of thumb, if you are throwing more than one tantrum a quarter, that’s too much! You should ultimately strive for never throwing a tantrum ever again but it will always be that little lever encased in glass labeled “in case of emergency.”

Key fact: tantrums can also be linked to nourishment. Tantrums are temporary compensatory mechanisms. Tantrums are physical releases of stored up emotional energy, so go out and exercise!

Ah, nourishment! The unspoken hero of attraction and manifestation! Did you realize that nourishment is the underlying current of our emotional state? Oh boy, how we forget to keep our bodies running efficiently by providing it the nutrients and substances necessary for our tissues and muscles to have energy to burn. A lack of carbohydrates and calories, depressed sugar levels, dehydration, etc. are all major factors in our emotional wellness. It is so very important that we know our bodies – this point cannot be overstated enough – in as much as we focus on knowing our LOA techniques in terms of focusing our thoughts and feelings, if we don’t have the requisite amount of energy to sustain that, then guess what? Your car is not going anywhere without gas in the tank!

Listen, when I say nutrition, I mean FOOD and WATER! STAY HYDRATED TOO!

As someone with a very high metabolism, I am constantly having to feed. I walk about 2-3 miles a day and lift weights 5 times a week so my body’s demands are above the average persons’. Maybe you can relate, but I’m like the guy on the Snickers commercials when I get hungry: my body needs fuel and when my emotional state plummets and I can get extremely cynical, sarcastic, and ornery.

Key fact: want to avoid and combat burnout? EAT and STAY HYDRATED!

We all are rock stars in our own way. I’m sure you’ve done some amazing things in life, take some credit for your accomplishments. Since applying myself to learning about the Law of Attraction, I’ve manifested some pretty cool stuff and have intended an increased abundance of wealth into my life. I keep a tally of those things mentally and when I’m feeling burnt out I remind myself of them. Please do not mistake taking credit for your accomplishments for arrogance, however. Staying humble and grateful is a much more powerful connector to the Universe. Arrogance dulls the mind; gratitude via humility opens it.

As someone with a more scientific mind, empirical success means more to me than what I ‘think I imagined.’ Being able to correlate an LOA technique with an emotional state and action which lead to the manifestation of what I intended is the gold standard for me. If I can then replicate that by predicting future occurrences then it’s all scientific and a true standard of success in my book. You might have different standards of how you define success, which is, of course, is perfectly fine and completely natural.

Key fact: remembering successes are, in fact, your own personal affirmations! You created and wrote them so take credit for them.

When I was just starting out building my successes in sports and academics I was very fortunate to have people close to me who were on the same level who were willing to drive me and who likewise thrived off of my pushing them. Reciprocal energy! Passion for the game! In my Master’s Degree friends who liked talking about research and dissecting ideas; professors who pushed me to keep writing and knowing that while I was not very interested in Syntax (I’m a Phonologist and Historical Linguist) kept it interesting and motivating. In sports and weightlifting, that one friend who gets you psyched out and keeps your head in the game and reminds you that all the training is for the field and to trust in that. I was really lucky to have the support I did; but hey, I attracted them!

In my attempts to master the LOA over the last two years, however, my personal observation is that it has become more of an introspective process. That is to say it is now up to me to get myself psyched and back in the game! After feeling a bit isolated over the course of a few months I came to the brilliant conclusion, that, I am, in fact, NOT alone and do have my own LOA team to rely on! I can now get that helmet-to-helmet pep talk anytime and get back in the game with verve and positive emotions. “You’re going down burnout!!!” 

Key fact: “I’ll Challenge Your Law of Attraction Team!”

I’ve read from several sources that you do not need to ask for what you want more than once. I personally think it’s ok! I don’t see it so much as re-asking or reordering, but reaffirming how much what you want means to you. If I’m in a restaurant and know my food is coming but it’s taken over an hour, sure I’m going to check up on the progress of my food! Hey, nutrition is a key driver of our emotional state.

When and if you ask again, do it positively and with gratitude, just how you did it the first time. Do not ask with frustration or neediness, that is not the signal you want to send out. I consider asking again another emergency measure, not to be used everyday but, hey, if you are feeling burnt out and it helps you to float nicely back into the state you want to be in, then do it. I usually pair asking again with meditation or prayer! Asking again, for me, is a mental and emotional exercise that allows you to go over your vision, pop the hood, give it an in-depth diagnostic, modify it if you need, and then send it safely back out on the road, so to speak.

Key fact: have the confidence of Captain Picard and say: “make it so!”



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