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visualize what you want

How to Visualize to Get What You Want – Part 1

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Perspective and Momentum Are the Key to Visualize

For me, the greatest, single investment of your time in terms of the Law of Attraction and the positive manifestation of your goals is to create as clear a VISION (visualize) of your end-result goal as possible! This is an absolute necessity and no growth or attraction of your goal towards you is possible without it, it is a manifestation prerequisite. It might take a day, a week, a month but it must be done, and it must be FUN! I personally spent a good six months crafting my vision! Only after you have done this can you create vision boards and other auxiliary visualization techniques. As a short disclaimer: this is what works for me, your experience might be slightly different but that’s the ultimate beauty of the system, we can tailor-make it for ourselves! My exact experience shouldn’t be your exact experience.

We all know about visualization. Make a vision board, create that mind movie in our heads, listen to inspirational music, picture our end-result, etc. All good stuff! There are so many different visualization techniques out there on the web and in books being proffered by all of the experts out there on the subject; the key is to find what works for you. Again, as I mentioned in my Article I Challenge Your Law of Attraction Team, we are lucky because we can cherry-pick what works for us. Use what you like now, bookmark the rest for later in case you need options – I never discredit or discard LOA techniques because sometimes they’ve come in handy for me later on.

Also, you should keep a record of which techniques work and which techniques do not produce the desired results for you. In addition to that you should always be checking the techniques you use in combination with how you use them against the principles of the Law of Attraction. I can’t and won’t hand out quick-fire, ready-made, instant solutions to anyone without disclaiming that a certain amount of investigatory thought should be involved in the process. If you’re thinking that sounds pedantic, or nerdy, or just no fun at all, well then it’s time to shift your idea of FUN!

visualize momentum

Visualizing to get what you want is all about creating MOMENTUM. In order to create momentum, you need a target at which you are aiming, a goal toward which you are moving via that momentum. In my experience it is not entirely realistic to expect the thing we want to create to magically move toward us, but rather it is often a combination of both it moving toward us as well as us being moved toward it. Attraction works both ways and is mutual in nature, I believe.

For something to “magically move toward us” implies no effort on our part and this, I believe, is a fatal logical proposition. INSPIRED ACTION is always needed! Action produces momentum.

For example, in 2011 I became dissatisfied with my job in that it no longer challenged me. I was truly disheartened with the profession I had gone to college for and had spent years training for. It was the year that I woke up, so to speak, and finally admitted to myself that I demanded a change! I began studying the Law of Attraction from a friend’s recommendation and from there intensely focused on a VISION that I had created for myself. Well, to be honest, it was quite a cavernous gap between that 2011 reality and my goals I had set – but I believed quite fervently in them!!! I still do. It is now 2015 and I am blogging and transitioning my life to new heights and have created a tremendous amount of momentum with respect to my end-result vision. I am getting there!

My positive momentum was a result of opportunities that I attracted through positive thought and emotions, prayer, as well as me taking inspired action. The first two years was really me moving towards my goals and gaining the emotional and disciplinary traction I needed to make any forward momentum possible! I had to morph as a person and grow into a particular mindset in order for those opportunities to even make sense to me when they were presented to me by the universe!

You MUST spend time thinking about the VISION you are going to create. Focus on who you are as a person! Please do not translate that statement as a license to think selfishly or mimic any of the sickening behavior of reality stars you see on television. This is a time to evolve into something that will benefit all of society, your family, community, state, country, etc. through your own growth.

Wallace D. Wattles expresses this sentiment quite nicely (Wattles 1910: 18):

In order to know more, do more, and be more we must have more; we must have things to use, for we learn, and do, and become, only by using things. We must get rich, so that we can live more.

The desire for riches is simply the capacity for larger life seeking fulfillment; every desire is the effort of an unexpressed possibility to come into action. It is power seeking to manifest which causes desire. That which makes you want more money is the same as that which makes the plant grow; it is Life, seeking fuller expression.”

When you focus on YOU as a PERSON, think within the statement if ‘money is no longer an issue,’ what would you be doing? If you had all the money in the world, did not need to work, no longer had to worry or think about bills and financial implications, what would you be doing with your life? What would your LEGACY be? Think within this vacuum to ultimately express who you are. Thinking through this lens was my acid test in bringing to the surface my true person beyond my simple earning potential.

Now if you are intending to manifest a simple, physical object, then visualizing it is quite simple! However, if you are talking a complete shift in life then it will take some doing! It is possible, you should believe that with absolute certainty and hold on to that faith. Once you embrace this perspective, it’s off to the races, so to speak! It’s time to have some fun and create and attract that life and situation you have always dreamed of. The key, as always, is to stay POSITIVE. Think and feel positive emotions about yourself and where you are. The other key, as always, is to visualize your end-result state in the NOW. Don’t picture your awesome, new, fun state off somewhere in la-la land; picture it NOW.



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