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How to Visualize to Get What You Want – Part 2

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7 Techniques For Visualization You Can Use Right Now!

Read Part I =>How to Visualize to Get What You Want – Part 1. Perspective and Momentum Are the Key to Visualization.

Walk yourself through a day in your new life. Imagine yourself talking to a good friend about your new-found success and what it means to you; think about helping that person; think about the excitement in both of your voices as you speak about it. Play around and experiment with this, have fun role-playing for a bit. I do this while I am out walking my dog on a nature trail we frequent; I love the free-flow of thoughts while exercising.

Have you ever held the door open for someone, only to have them not acknowledge you and walk nonchalantly by as if they expected you to open it for them? Have you ever done or said something for someone only to have them receive it with mediocre enthusiasm? Well, how often do we do this when the Universe blesses us with an amazing gift?!? How often do we behave like an ingrate to our Maker, not even noticing the truly amazing nature of what we received?

When visualizing, I like to picture a well-respected person presenting me with what I am intending. I picture it as a present, wrapped nicely and being passed from their hands to mine – the present is the physical metaphor for your vision. It exists in the present tense, it is NOW-Power. Oh the similitude! I picture a certain family friend I have, or someone like one of my favorite ancestors, or someone I respect who is in a position to grant what I would like. Receiving from someone you respect naturally triggers feelings of gratitude and humility; it triggers thoughts of ownership and a duty to respect and treasure what was given to you.

My father always said, “now that you have X, what are you going to do with it?” So the object or quantum state we are receiving is really void without the perspective and momentum, which is the creative power that we have, to bring it into reality.

Vision boards are really fun! I’ve created and updated a few of them. Don’t be afraid to use a program like Word to make a collage of images that represent your vision. Have fun with this! Some people have told me they have tucked those vision boards away only to realize later on that certain goals had been realized; others have told me that they update theirs constantly. It really is up to you. I updated mine about five times over the course of a year and have enjoyed looking at it from time to time. I like to listen to inspirational music and just let my mind go focusing on it. It’s a neat form of meditation and disconnection for me when I need to recharge.

Another fun one is to mail yourself that check featuring the dollar amount you would like to receive. You can also hide it away or any other variation of this technique that allows you to visualize yourself with increasing wealth.

Another technique I tried was to take a pile of old checks and everyday write yourself a check beginning with $1,000 all the way to $1,000,000 in ten thousand dollar increments, each day listing all of the things you would buy with that money.

Actually write in the check amount and each day tally your list of purchases and expenditures on a sheet of paper listing the amounts and totals. At the end of each day, staple the check to the list that it purchased and keep it as a record. It’s fun and actually forces you to think!!!

For all you professionals out there who are used to writing applications and resumes, write one for yourself as if you are applying your dream life! Not dream job, but dream life! Make it a reality now. Writing up an application is a clean, relatable way to spell out your goals and aspirations. It allows you to safely list the parameters of the life you envision for yourself, and by applying for it, telling yourself you deserve it. Apply to the Universe and let the opportunities start to roll in. This application should tie in to and reinforce other lists and visualization techniques you employ, no pun intended.

“Attractfirmation” is a word I made up. It is a composite of the words attraction and affirmation. It is a list of positive affirmations that I use to attract what I am visualizing. I keep it in a small, easily accessible file where I can read it whenever I need. Over the years I have studied the law of attraction I’ve come across some nifty and uplifting quotes that have truly inspired me to action and change. Each of these quotes represents certain milestones in a shift in my position in the Universe in terms of positive momentum toward my vision. As an avid reader and self-proclaimed book nerd, I naturally love quotes!

The reason I founded NOW-Power was because of the life-changing impact that following the principles of the law of attraction has had on me in terms of my personal development. If there is ONE SINGLE IDEA that has pervaded all that I have learned, it it’s the knowledge of NOW! All of the above techniques are useless unless you visualize their reality NOW! You must erase the concept of visioning for the future and placing your goals in some far off temporal realm. Quantum reality, as far as I understand it, necessitates that we collapse the present and the future into our NOW. In other words, whatever your goals are, whatever you are intending to attract, feel it as a reality now. The list, the check, the day in your new life, are all techniques to create a sense of achievement in the present tense. It is the technique that drives the thought and emotions that drive you toward action. That’s NOW-Power!

Thank you for reading this article and being a part of NOW-Power!



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