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The Book Nerd and the Reading Log

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New Books Have Arrived from Amazon!

As a blogger and Law of Attraction enthusiast, I am also a self-proclaimed BOOK NERD! As someone with a voracious reading appetite, I came across a tip back in 2007 that I instantly latched on to . . . creating a READING LOG! What a wonderful idea! Ever since 2008 I’ve been compiling a reading log each year of the books and articles I have read. It really is an uplifting experience tracking what you’ve read over the course of a year, and quite surprising actually to see the amount that you’ve covered looking back.

Basically, a reading log is just like a journal. I keep, in bibliographic format, all of the books I’ve read, in chronological order. You don’t have to be as meticulous as me and include the author, year, title, publisher, and publication date for each, but you can add ISBNs or any other reference information you like.

Now that it’s 2015, I just finished a book that was a carryover from my 2014 reading list, and have officially started in on my FIRST book for 2015. This year was kind of a slow start (it’s already February!!!) as I was preoccupied in January of 2015 with starting this blog LOL.

I wanted to share with you the first three books I am going to read! I really hope to inspire people to start reading more, not just tweets and facebook posts (which are fine and have their place) but more in-depth writing such as intelligent blogs and books.


Foundation: The History of England from Its Earliest Beginnings to the Tudors

foundation england amazon book nerd reading log

The Story of England

story of england amazon book nerd reading log

Going Dutch: How England Plundered Holland’s Glory

going dutch amazon book nerd reading log

As an armchair historian and family genealogy researcher, these books provide a wealth of context to my research. You can read the descriptions and reviews on Amazon, I can’t provide any as I haven’t read them yet! 🙂 Disclaimer: the images used were taken directly from Amazon.com without permission. I do not any affiliate relationship with Amazon.

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