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What The Law of Attraction and Fitness Have in Common

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Your Important Connections between Mind and Body

While some may say that all you have to do is ask the Universe and it will deliver all your dreams to you, I’m of the school that says you have to put in some effort too! Like everything in life, there’s good effort and bad effort. Good effort produces your desired results; bad effort is counterproductive. Therein lies the connection between the Law of Attraction and Fitness: intelligent, well-thought-out effort will produce the results you want.

Fitness, particularly strength weight training, is another area of expertise that I have. As a natural weightlifter (I don’t call myself a bodybuilder as I don’t compete), I’ve learned to apply certain scientifically grounded techniques that are proven to build muscle strength and size. However, you have to put the work in. Just like fitness gains, your law of attraction gains should be fun and compelling; the work you put in is not for naught, you can see measurable results with consistent applied action.

At my peak I squatted 585 and benched 405, all natural. Not exactly world record breaking, but something I have always been proud of!

I want to introduce a term to you, it’s called hypertrophy. Basically, it’s the science behind muscle growth that involves a cycle of overload, nutrition, and recovery that “grow the [muscle] fibers to better deal with future stimuli” (citation). Like the Law of Attraction, there are immutable laws that deal with muscle growth. Read this article, it is truly the best I have ever read on the laws of muscle growth for natural weight lifters.

The following are a few lessons, observations if you want to call them that, which I have cataloged and apply to both the Law of Attraction and Fitness. The genesis of many of my law of attraction successes have been borrowed directly from my core fitness values and mindset. It was a connection I saw early on in my LOA journey; call it work ethic, motivation, getting psyched, focus, whatever you want but these are my techniques and analogies to that you can use too!

Everything Is Science! It’s All Natural Law!
Both LOA and fitness are governed by scientific principles that derive from the natural laws of the universe. That is to say, we cannot escape them! This is what determines the difference between productive motion and wasted motion; said another way, what is going to either produce results or waste your time. The law of attraction is bound by Universal law, it’s not hocus-pocus, know that what you are intending to attract will be manifested for you, but do it in a way consistent with the Laws of attraction!

Goals and Goal Setting – “goooaaal!”
Both LOA and fitness are about goal setting. Goal setting is a life skill that is beneficial and applicable to just about anything you do. Goals should be both specific and flexible at the same time; know exactly what you want, but be flexible enough to change your plans slightly to accommodate unforeseen changes. Know also that if you set a goal to increase your bench press by 100lbs, that is not going to happen over the weekend! It will take time and come in incremental gains; likewise, your LOA goals may take some time. The Secret refers to this as a delay.

Focus! Hey, over here! Stay Focused!
Stay focused on your goals. Focus comes from motivation, so stay motivated. The thing that keeps me motivated aren’t shallow or puerile gym quotes but seeing my actual gains! For me it’s hitting one more rep or adding on 10lbs from the previous workout. Likewise, in LOA, it’s seeing my intentions manifested or observing something that I asked for. Goal setting and focus, to me, go hand in hand. At the end of the day it’s about commitment and dedication.

Applied Action => Results
If you do high reps and low weights I guarantee you will not get bulky and strong, you will have amazing endurance though. That’s just a law of muscle building! In your visioning of what you would like to manifest you must read up and know what the laws are that govern attraction. You can use this blog as a resource, I would also encourage you to compare your results with other blogs and books you read. The key to successful weightlifting is FORM! So, when you are intending to manifest something, watch your FORM. That is to say guard your thoughts and emotions, make sure you are inputting the right inner energy to produce the desired external reality.

Overt Vs. Covert Processes
Know that there is a time to get actively involved in your creative process and a time to let go. Create your vision, then let it go to the C>A>B process of the Universe. Physically going to the gym is only one-third of the muscle building process, after the gym is where the magic of muscle growth actually happens! Diet and rest are technically the more important parts of the process. Don’t be counterproductive with the Universe by mucking things up once you ask for your desires to be manifested. Have faith in the system!!!

Tech Your Time and Learn Techniques
Techniques are like jazz, they are merely variations on a theme! If you want to increase the size and strength of your shoulders, there are many different exercises you can choose from, some more effective than others. There are many techniques for LOA, some more effective than others. In reality, choose and use what works best for you . . . which brings me to my last point.

Know Your Body!
This is an old bodybuilding/weightlifting adage. It’s funny how it works but there some days when your body just doesn’t want to push even though you came into the gym all psyched up to hit the weights. Conversely, there are those days when you come into the gym kind of tired but your body is raring to go and you have the most incredible workout ever! More dangerously, heavy weightlifters often succumb to the effects of overtraining where your body simply is taking on too much stress stimulus and not enough rest and nutrition; at those times it’s COMMON SENSE to just take a few days off. Know your body! I build in off weeks every 5 weeks of training. When I listen to my body I succeed.

For our LOA ambitions you need to know your gut! My gut has never lied to me and I pay close attention to the divine inspiration that it brings. Often it tells me to wait, so I wait; other times it tells me to charge ahead, so I do. When I heed its call, it always brings success. The hard part is actually listening sometimes because when I hear the call to charge ahead I’m usually tired, or when it tells me to sit still I’m raring to make a move LOL. There is a timing in the Universe, a timing to know all things. One of my favourite saying sums this up: “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9).

I hope this article has benefited you! Thank you for reading this article and being a part of NOW-Power!



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