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Think Your Way to a New Career

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How do you THINK your way into a new career? Fed up with your job? Want to move up in your same company? Want a career in a whole new sector? Feel the need to leave your city altogether and make a move? Want to start your own company and be your own boss? If thinking about any of these questions gave you a sense of freedom, then guess what? You’ve just taken your first step to THINK your way to a new career!

The only limiting factor in how you define your career is you. Let me quantify that a bit more, the only limiting factor are your thoughts which determine how you feel about your career, which, in turn, determines the actions you take on a day to day basis.

Think negative => get negative. Think positive => get positive.

Your thoughts are VERY POWERFUL and each thought you think radiates out a message to the Universe to create and form into reality that thing which you were thinking about. You create your own reality; your thoughts are the building blocks of your reality. Thought by thought, you can either build yourself a prison or a life of freedom and fun. More often than not, it’s somewhere in between! Hence the natural outcome of conflicting thoughts.

Saying that your thoughts are VERY POWERFUL logically also means that YOU ARE VERY POWERFUL. The power to create that new job, career opportunity lies within YOU. I can help you harness that power but that power doesn’t come from me, it comes from YOU. NOW-Power is about that power that lies within all of us. Feel good about that! The power to change what you want in your life is within YOU!

new career thought

As hokey as it sounds, you really have to be honest with yourself. You have to know who you really and truly are, deep down inside. You have to embrace that person and appreciate who you are. If you are in a career because of family expectations or strictly because of the remunerative benefits and not because you truly love what you do, changing careers might be a bit more difficult. These conflicting ideas about yourself will produce conflicting thoughts and emotions and mess everything up. It’s time for a reality check! Think about your career and write out the positives and negatives in list form, make one column for each. Take a few minutes or a day to mull it over, but jot down the pros and cons of your present career. What does this list reveal to you?

You can then think about your ideal career. Don’t even think about it as a career, answer the question: “if money was no object, I would be ___.” Remove all of the caging thoughts and expectation-type associations we place on our career choices for now and just think what YOU would love to do. If you are presently in finance but always wanted to be a travel blogger, just think what it would be like doing that. Think about what your PASSION is in life. Think about what your legacy would be if money was no object. Seriously invest some time carefully considering this question as an introspective, self-administered career-placement test.

Now comes the fun, and actually strangely simple part. Start thinking positive thoughts about what you want to do! It’s counterintuitive to a point to say all you have to do is THINK about what you want and it will be manifested for you because so many of us have been programmed by so many sources over our entire lives to think negative. It’s like old leather, it just feels comfortable. Well, no more!

Tell yourself thoughts like: “I have an abundance of career options,” or “I love being a full-time freelance writer,” or “I am so happy doing what I love to do for my career.” Positive thoughts like those will naturally spur positive emotions that will attract to you opportunities to get into that new career. Those thoughts may seem uncomfortable and not real at first; believe it or not, that’s actually a good sign! You are reprogramming yourself. Stick to those thoughts and make sure they are in line with your honest career self!!!

Again, it’s all up to YOU. Sites like NOW-Power can help guide you, but the amazing part is that you don’t need anyone but you to take you where you want to go. Think those positive thoughts about your new career and feel good about yourself in that new role and it will happen. You can adjust your thoughts as new opportunities come to you and you feel yourself making momentum towards your goals. Craft new thoughts to reference your progress like: “It’s working, I am accepting new opportunities into my life,” “I am so much more at peace now, I am so happy and blessed!”

Be careful not to focus on leaving your old career, but focus only on where you want to be. By the same double-edged sword, the Law of Attraction will give you more of your old career if you think about it, especially if it’s negatively phrased. Saying you want to leave X is a negative construction, not a positive one. If you are sailing, you don’t stand on the aft of the ship looking back over your wake to navigate, you stand on the bow looking ahead toward your destination. Do the same with your thoughts! Look and stay focused toward your destination, that new career, it’s just over the horizon!

I hope this article has benefited you! Thank you for reading this article and being a part of NOW-Power!



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