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Destination: Success! The Sailing Metaphor

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“How do I achieve success?”, “How do I attain the life of my dreams?”, “How can I become wealthy now?” These are some intriguing questions that you might have asked yourself before. Success in anything you set your mind to (via your thoughts and emotions) is absolutely possible; however, the truth is that we often fail because we lose sight of our goals and dreams. We set a course, a destination, but the fog and foul weather often occlude our vision and preclude us from getting to where we set out to go!

The SAILING METAPHOR is a very powerful one in understanding the relationship between our thoughts and the success that those thoughts represent. Our thoughts drive our emotions, our emotions drive our actions; these combined, determine the viability of our success. When we think of something that we would like to achieve, say a full-time blogging job where you can sit on the beach and write, the Universe creates that reality for us via the Law of Attraction. Like energy attracts like energy. That vibrational energy, when harnessed properly, propels us toward the success we intend to achieve.

You are your own ship. You have been christened by the Universe and are blessed and empowered to sail wherever you would like to go! Set your course by determining where you want to go; that is, by defining what your success looks like. I want that dream job blogging on the beach or a cafe anywhere in the world. Focus on that destination in as much detail as you can! Know your destination as if you were researching a city you plan to visit online or by reading one of those travel books. Know what your success looks like in very intricate detail. Once you decide where you want to go (what you want to achieve) you have already begun moving towards it! Your destination is the metaphor for your goal, your success.

When you get in your car, or on a plane, or on a ship there is never any mental wrangling about IF you are going to arrive at your destination, it is a foregone conclusion. You intuitively KNOW you are going to arrive, with success. Your goals and successes are exactly the same! Once you set them, KNOW that they are a foregone conclusion. Sit back and navigate, do not try to control the weather and the ocean with your mind; that is the purview of the Universe! Not your job! The Universe (God) will do His job; you do yours and yours is to stay focused on the destination. It’s amazing how relaxing sailing is because you can just stay focused on your destination, get lost in the mechanics of sailing and the beauty of nature around you, it’s truly inspiring.

You will arrive at your success and have an amazing sailing story to tell!!!

destination success sailing

All ships have a fore and an aft. Fore is short for ‘forward’ and equates to the bow of the ship, the front half of the ship. Aft is short for ‘aftward’ and equates to the stern of the ship, the back half of the ship. While it is periodically acceptable to glance towards the stern of the ship to check on your progress (it’s a common safety practice), your focus should remain intently on the bow of the ship. The bow is where your heading lies, where your success inevitably awaits. By keeping your success firmly in mind on a daily basis you increase your momentum towards that success; your thoughts will create your vision of it, thereby moving you closer towards your destination.

It’s smooth sailing!

Sailing momentum is a beautiful thing. When you have all of your sails set, your rigging firmly locked into place, your steering set to the wind, your sailing vessel just races along with an elegance that is the reason why ships are referred to in the feminine gender. Moreover, it is at its most efficient use of energy. You are harnessing of the power of the wind and seas to maximum efficiency; you are harnessing the power that the Universe created and intended us to use. On your journey, again, you don’t create the winds and the waves, that’s not your job; your job is to harness that power in the most efficient manner possible. Smooth sailing is dictated by the laws of physics one of which, paraphrased, states that ‘resistance slows progress.’

Foul weather can cause some resistance to your success, but more often than not, we create our own resistance via negative thoughts and emotions. Doubting, over-scrutinizing, disbelief, acting contrary to your intuition, engaging in negative conversations, surrounding yourself with negative people, heeding negative advice can all create extremely damaging resistance. Not just resistance, your ship and your success will be in imminent danger of capsizing. It’s the fate of so many who set out using the law of attraction.

Let’s parse out resistance and foul weather, shall we?! Resistance is akin to knowing that you have to alter your course 3 degrees starboard; however, you listen to that nagging, negative friend who tells you to go 15 degrees to port. Now you’re way off course! Now you may be dead in the water and all momentum stalled. Well, hey, the solution is simple – get back on course!! Immediately. A good captain has strength of will. No one questions his or her command!

Foul weather is life’s challenges that arise on your way to your destination. This cannot be avoided, only to say that in those challenges you will often find some hidden benefit from what you went through. Don’t call them ‘struggles’ but call them ‘learning opportunities’ or ‘life’s hidden blessings.’ I personally dislike the word struggle, it creates a negative and powerless relationship to life. YOU create resistance by choice; FOUL WEATHER is beyond your control.

At the outcome of foul weather, you will always be blessed! In life’s storms adroitly adjust to the prevailing conditions.

destination success sailing

You know that you are making progress to your goal when you can track momentum. Progress closes the distance between you and your destination; it also logically increases distance between you and your departure point. That increasing distance between you and your departure point can often be felt as an uncomfortable feeling in life. You can sense you are changing as a person. Differing tastes and preferences in areas of life such as friends and food and your job will start to manifest itself. Grab ahold of it and hang on! You now have momentum and are moving steadily towards your success. Momentum also implies action and you must take action steps that the Universe is showing you – you need to set your ship to sail, it won’t sail on its own, it needs its captain.

Remember to leave life’s departure port with a fond and friendly farewell! Wave!

First time sailors often experience the phenomenon of “sea legs.” This is your equilibrium adjusting to the pitch, roll, and yaw of a ship on the seas underneath your feet as you have to constantly adjust your balance while standing or walking. If you’re on a nice, gigantic cruise ship, you might not feel this effect to any magnitude; however, if you are on a small sailing boat, trust me, you’ll experience it! It’s a trick to walk on a moving ship for the first time! “Sea legs” have become a metaphor for a learning phase in life as in, “he’s getting his sea legs,” or “she’s gaining her sea legs.” As you feel yourself changing, as you feel life changing, just know your equilibrium is changing and you’re “gaining your sea legs!”

I wish I could describe to you the sensation of seeing the loom of a city off on the horizon on the ocean at night! As you sail away from one port, it slowly disappears on the horizon and is no more; after time passes, that new city appears as a small haze of light, getting brighter and brighter, until finally it yields its spectacularly mesmerizing glow. It is enticing and intoxicating to behold, especially after you have been at sea for a few days! Details slowly emerge from the strange yellow and green hues that create what is called, the loom of a city. That old life is forever gone, your new life awaits.

Experiencing this in the past has been life-changing for me.

destination success sailing

Sailing is experiential. The more you do it, the better you get. Same with the law of attraction. You can read all of the theoretical stuff you want on it, including other peoples’ successes, but YOU really must eventually put YOUR OWN thought into action! Define and determine your success and go for it! Remember, it won’t be a struggle (yuck! I hate that word!); it will be through inspired action, it will be fun, it will be exciting, it will be intellectually stimulating, it will be uplifting, it will be life-changing, it will be freaking amazing!!! There will be some things you will need to prepare for before your journey, other things you will learn along the way.

By the time you reach your success you will not be the same person when you left!

Stay focused on your destination. Stay in tuned with your vision of your success. Let that define you and drive you. It will manifest itself. I am so thankful everyday for the positive people in my life! I keep my “eyes on the prize” as they say! Stay your course. You will know you are on course because you will know you are on course. Sounds flippant? Well, it’s true. You are your own ship and compass! Your intuition (gut) will tell you how to adjust your course while you are on your new journey. If you get hesitant or doubtful, just pull out your maps to double-check your course. Metaphorically, review the principles of the law of attraction and make sure you are spiritually dialed in to the Universe. Meditate and give thankful gratitude daily, if not hourly.

Finally, and to the above point, don’t feel like you are alone. Know that you have a good crew aboard your ship! You have your own personal LOA Crew to assist you! Call on their expertise from time to time as you need it, just like you would refer back to your map to make sure you are on course. My LOA Crew rocks and creates for me an even keel!

“How do I achieve success?” “How do I attain the life of my dreams?” “How can I become wealthy now?” Using the power of the SAILING METAPHOR (or any metaphor you choose) you can stay focused on your goals and achieve success by allowing your thoughts to stay centered via a process. Metaphors like these are nothing more than contextual focus techniques that allow your mind to mimic what mega successful people do: stay focused to the point of obsession on what they set out to achieve. Choose a metaphor that you have had success in so it will be easy and efficient to replicate. I have had tremendous success and fun sailing in the past. Some of the deepest and fondest memories I have come from my time sailing, it is a powerful metaphor for me to latch on to.

I hope this article has benefited you! Thank you for reading this article and being a part of NOW-Power!



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