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Everything You Need is Right In Front of You!

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Look no further, everything you need is right in front of you! Looking for success? Looking for that solution to unlock what you’ve been looking for? Well, don’t let any of these charlatan LOA personalities suck you into buying their products, everything you need is right in front of you. I’ve spent the last week realizing a few things about the Law of Attraction since my last post and I’ll tell you that YOU don’t need others to solve YOUR own problems. YOU don’t need anyone else to discover YOUR own solutions. YOU CERTAINLY DON’T NEED TO PAY ANYONE FOR THAT SOLUTION!!!

Everything You Need is Right In Front of You!

About a month ago I ran across this pristine, eight-volume set of Abraham Lincoln’s personal diaries (The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln) in a small bookstore I visited. I was really excited because I had inherited Carl Sandburg’s The Prairie Years and The War Years from my father. right in front of youI had also found the unabridged version of the above title, which came in a 6 volume set, from an annual book sale – score of a lifetime! Naturally, when I saw the eight-volume set of Lincoln’s collected works my interest was piqued. I inquired as to the price, which the store owner told me was $100.00. It was a nice collection, but a bit more than I wanted to pay for it. Not that I couldn’t afford it, I just thought in the condition it was in it was worth about $80. My ‘gut’ was telling me to walk away and that I could eventually get it for the price I wanted: $80. A few days later I called the store to inquire about the collection that I had passed on but still really wanted. The store owner at this point told me: “well, it’s not exactly flying off the shelf” which indicated to me that she was willing to possibly take a lower offer.

The very next day I got $50! It just showed up, cool! I thought all I really need is another $30 and I’ll go back and make them an offer on the Lincoln collection. You see, in my heart of hearts I was really trying to put the Law of Attraction to the test here! I already had waaay more than enough $ to just go and buy the collection, it wasn’t the money, it was the principle! I wanted the Universe to deliver this specific $ amount to me! It represented a larger, deeper issue in my life! This was going to be my acid test, my litmus test to see if I could attract larger sums. It was about discovering a secret process, not about a mere $30!

I sat and stewed for another week, nothing seemed to be showing up and I refused to ‘cough up’ the money that I already had to pay the $30 difference. I can be quite obstinate at times! Then finally, after thinking: “it’s ok, It’ll come to me later” and feeling quite content about it I broke my $50 bill at the grocery store on some minor, routine purchases. I was annoyed because my total came out to $xx.08! I was screaming inside because I was going to get back $0.92 in change!!! I started thinking: “that stupid collection!” “Now I got back all this change, thanks a lot!”

When I got home that’s when it all changed! No pun intended! I placed my change down on a pile of other change that had been sitting on my hutch unnoticed and only then it hit me just HOW MUCH CHANGE I HAD! Oh my, there was easily $50 worth of change on the hutch and in a tupperware I had inside one of the drawers. I stood there and started laughing! I cracked up at just how silly I had been. I am now going back to bargain for that Lincoln collection, comfortable that I actually don’t even mind paying the asking price of $100.00 now!

Everything you need is right in front of you!

All I had to do was open my eyes. The ironic part was that I had to let go of the one thing I was holding on to so tightly to find the solution, that $50. I had to let it go (spend it, break it for change) for me to see where the actual solution lied to in my request. If I was a more creative thinker I probably would have remembered that I had all that change there in the first place!!! That is the process and the journey and the growth path that we are all taking.

Stop, pay attention to YOUR surroundings and what is going on in YOUR life. YOUR solution is right there in front of YOU. Everything YOU need is right in front of YOU!

I hope this article has benefited you! Thank you for reading this article and being a part of NOW-Power!



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