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How to Make a New Year’s Resolution

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The Key to Life-Changing Resolutions and How to Make Them.

For starters, let’s examine the most common and elusive of all life-changing decisions, the New Year’s Resolution! The one thing that I’ve learned throughout the years is that New Year’s Resolutions can be an illusion; trying to be faithful to one can be like trying to grasp a cloud of smoke!

However, there can be A LOT of potential energy released when making a New Year’s Resolution, a lot of good intentions that can flow out into the Universe in a state of mind that is often unimpeded by our own doubts. That is a good thing!

The fact is, we often make our New Year’s Resolutions from a very creative and happy space – how many times have you made one around friends and family ‘in the moment’ where all inhibition seemed to be gone? I’ve done that quite a bit! That state of mind can have a lot of positive impact.

However, over the years I’ve made myself some crazy promises that I’m NOT going to do this anymore or that I am GOING to do this from now on . . . and guess what? I’ve usually fallen flat on those promises. I’m sure you can relate!

Once we make a New Year’s Resolution, then we have to live with them.

So what is it about the New Year’s Resolution that is very attractive, and at the same time, almost like a joke? It’s like we make those promises knowing full well that we don’t intend to follow through with them. We create the “cloud of smoke” that is hard to grasp ahold of! So then, why do we keep on making New Year’s Resolutions?

Well, I’ll tell you why: because we all have goals and dreams and want to achieve success! Hello!!! I knew you were thinking the same thing 🙂 . On top of that, it is in our human nature to strive to get better and improve and want to grow, that’s only natural.

If you feel like you are always striving to be better and allowing yourself to be in a constantly improving state, whether that be financial, social, physical, spiritual, etc., that is natural and commendable. So take a moment right now to feel GOOD about that, feel GOOD about yourself. Take that moment right NOW, it’s NOW-Power. 🙂

Let’s turn our New Year’s Resolution into a NOW-Year’s Resolution!

money success new years resolution 2016

There is something that is very uplifting when you can speak your goals out loud to friends and family and have them accept it and feed you good emotions back.

The power that we all have is NOW. Our thoughts drive our emotions, our emotions determine our actions, and the present (now) is the only time to which we can apply action. Therefore, make your New Year’s Resolutions count! Use the positive energy of the NOW when making that NYR the power to make it stick!

You don’t want to look back in August and try and remember what your NYRs were that you made on Dec 31st. Your NYR become NOW Year’s Resolutions when you carry them with you every day and focus on them as goals that you strive to achieve. That’s where their power lies.

Here’s the final word on your New Year’s Resolution: just because it’s a NYR made on NYE doesn’t mean that it can’t be changed! Your NYR is no different from any other goal or resolution you might make in that it can be changed, discarded, edited, expanded, etc. – we are not beholden to it in some life-or-death struggle.

Instead of being crippled or boxed into a resolution we made off the cuff, in jest, in angst, or in some inebriated state on NYE, we can take ownership of that resolution and carry it with us NOW, in the present.

If you made a NYR to buy that house or change jobs or to start a new business then live that and strive for that and work towards that every day of the year until you make it a reality!

Don’t let your New Year’s Resolution own you! You own it, you created it, and you are going to make it succeed, because you are going to reach those goals that you set!

success new years resolution

HAPPY 2016 Y’ALL!!!

I hope this article has benefited you! Thank you for reading this article and being a part of NOW-Power!


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