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Donald Trump Says “You’re Fired!” To Protesting Players in the NFL

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If the Don was Roger Goodell, he says “You’re Fired!” to Protesting Players in the NFL. President Donald J. Trump has taken to social media stating unequivocally that any NFL player that wants to take a knee in protest to our country should be fired.

Here’s what Donald Trump had to say on Twitter.

In a speech given in Huntsville, Alabama for Senator Luther Strange on Friday, September 22nd, 2017, Donald Trump made it very clear that there is no room in the NFL for any player that wants to protest our American flag. He even went so far as to insist that the NFL should fire any player who takes a knee during the National Anthem. Putting it succinctly, the President said:

I’d like to weigh in on this issue. I believe there is a lot of support for Donald Trump’s sentiments on this whole protesting issue. For one, Jerry Jones, Dallas Cowboys owner and Arkansas Razorback superstar, has already informed his team that if they kneel in protest to the Anthem, they are no longer Cowboys! My hat is off to Jerry Jones, way to go!

What an amazing stance Jones has taken in representation for all of us who find Kaepernick’s actions utterly distasteful. Honestly, ‘Crapernick’ has the right to his politics and free speech; however, there are forums and avenues that are more appropriate for airing out his discontent. If he had an inkling of intellect, he might know that.

I guess that’s why Kaepernick is unemployed.

I’d like to see more NFL team owners and managers stand up with Jerry Jones in support of Donald Trump’s call for players to be fired for kneeling during the National Anthem. The more NFL organizations that band together, the stronger the message will be and the clearer the case will be in how to deal with NFL malcontents.

Roger Goodell needs to step in and take accountability for the league and the actions of its players and there needs to be clear guidelines set defining the relationship between the NFL and our National Anthem. If not, the consequences are not going to be nice.

We are already seeing a purported decline in attendance for National Football League games, and that’s an economic consequence that any team does not want. Talk about a deflate-gate: deflate billions in profits and the NFL will implode.

This all circles back to Donald Trump because that’s exactly how we elected him our President. The people of this country voiced their opinion that they were tired and fed up with all of the left-wing erosion of our national values and with one voice elected a new President. The same will happen in the NFL, the people (the fans) will cast their economic votes in favor of supporting our American values and National Anthem.

Maybe the NFL just needs to provide protesting players with some counseling or a venue to talk through their issues, heck, let them do finger painting for all I care, but they should NOT voice their politics by kneeling during the country’s National Anthem.

I support Donald Trump saying “You’re Fired!” to protesting NFL players. People watch football because it’s American, it represents our cities, states, and our unique take on the history of ‘football.’ It is also nice to know that organizations like the Dallas Cowboys and the fans themselves are supporting our National Anthem, along with many former NFL players like Pittsburgh Steelers legend Franco Harris.

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