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Make Money, Create Money!

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How to Create Wealth With Your Mind.

Make money, create money! No gimmicks here, no sales pitch at the end of this article! Real wealth from real-ity. Real money from real-ity.

Have you ever spent a moment reflecting on your current state thinking how much life would be “better” (as a relative term) if you just had more money? Have you ever pondered what you would do with 1 billion dollars if it just dropped in your bank account today? Have you taken yourself through the emotional ride that having such an immense financial position would bring? Would you just explode with happiness? Would you be a changed person? Would you suddenly become the person you always wanted to be? Would your life now magically become trouble free? Would you be able to ride through life on a perma-high?

The reality about wealth is that it does not change you! “What? Are you crazy?” is probably what you are saying to yourself right now. Ok, collect yourself and calm down 🙂 Money will, however, draw out and bring to the surface elements of your personality that you may have not challenged before. It may enhance your kind nature or it may bring out some of your ugly, repressed selfish demons. Say you won $500,000,000, would that kind and generous person now turn into a selfish, hoarding monster? Or, would that penny-pinching pessimist now turn into a spendthrift?

Money didn’t change anything in your personality that wasn’t already there. How would 500,000,000 toothpicks change your life? Absurd question, but consider it?

A restaurateur might see a great business opportunity. A free-spirited surfer might light a bonfire for all his or her friends on the beach. An environmentalist might cry. An OCD hoarder might spend a lifetime counting and labeling each one of them. Extreme situations can bring out the extreme parts of our nature, for sure! So, what effect would $500,000,000 have on your personality/nature is the question?

These are important questions in your quest to create money, believe it or not! They have to do with your psychological and emotional relationship to money and wealth. Remember, money is nothing more than toothpicks; it is just a resource. Examining these questions is your readiness kit to get ready to create money and create wealth!

Hold on! You thought you were going to be reading some get-rich-quick scheme?!? Well, shame on you! Haha. Hey, I’m going to share with you how to make money, make wealth with your mind. Using your thoughts and money eMotion you can certainly attract all the money and wealth into your life that YOU are capable of. Your capabilities are not my capabilities or the capabilities of the person next to you – the important thing is to master YOUR OWN MIND, YOUR OWN THOUGHTS.

make money, create money

MONEY IS YOUR FRIEND. You need to consider money your friend. Money needs to be a familiar thing to your hands, your mind, your everyday walk. Being wealthy should feel comfortable to you. Being around wealthy people is not about trying to be like them, but to be you, and to be a comfortable, grounded you. There are the wealthy eccentrics, dogged competitors, cutthroat businessmen, but I am the genteel southern gentleman in my wealth. Who are you?

What’s the one coolest thing about your friends? Well, for me, knowing that I’ll see them again! Just like money, when I spend it, I know I’ll see it in abundance again very soon. Just like a friend, when I call on it, it comes a-running! Likewise, when my ‘friend’ needs help, I help it by learning how to best manage it. Learn about tax incentives, learn about interest rates, learn about how loans work, learn about basic banking and accounting. Get to know your friend, no relationship is one-sided. Sometimes your money needs nurturing, learn how to turn a $5 bill into $50. With your mind you can then turn that $5 into $5,000,000,000.

make money, create money

BE YOURSELF. Back to you money eMotion, just be yourself. Don’t turn into a snob in your mind, unless you are already one lol. One of my favourite quotes in life is: “there is nothing worse in life than wasted potential.” It has been such a driver in my life because it speaks to ‘being yourself’ in life and in everything you do. Everyone has potential; you have amazing potential and don’t ever tell yourself otherwise.

It’s not just “go with THE flow,” it’s “go with YOUR flow!” In order to attract great sums of money you have to be yourself and in a state where your emotional blockage is at its minimum, and that can only be accomplished when you are yourself. I can be one person with my family, one person at work, one person at social events, but I am truly myself when I am around my friends. I can say absolutely anything and let me quirky personality shine – I can be pretty quirky, people! Translate that same feeling to your wealth.

make money, create money

ENGAGE YOUR SENSES. When you visualize wealth, don’t simply feel emotions and positive thoughts, but take it to the next level. Sound, sight, touch, smell, and taste are our five senses. How many of these can you creatively engage in associating wealth? Which of these is your strongest sense? How can you creatively associate that sense with the thought and emotion that represents wealth to you?

Vision boards are common technique within the LOA; however, how about the others? For me, I love smelling my Versace cologne, feeling the touch of marble tile, hearing the sound of service in a nice restaurant, tasting the sweetness of chocolate mousse. Visualization techniques should involve all of your senses, it should be experiential.

make money, create money

GIVE TO GET. This is the hardest but best technique of all to create wealth! Oh the irony, I love it! The best way to GET money is to GIVE money to others. Not just random people, unless that’s your style, but to things and organizations that have inspired you. Two principles are involved here: (1) money is your friend; and, (2) the flow factor. Money is your friend, it will always come back in increasing quantities; but, more importantly, giving money (donating, spending) creates a money flow through your life with you as the conduit. You cannot think to hoard money, that you will keep on accumulating it with no benefit to others; you must make money, create money with the express intent of helping others. You will be helped along the way as a part of the process, as a natural outcome.

I’m going to say something not many bloggers out there have the guts to say: don’t donate to me! Hey, go out and donate to something that is personal to you, like donating to a friend. I donate to the Wounded Warrior Project as well as a few other organizations when I can or when I feel inspired to do so. Give what you feel comfortable with but don’t give away the farm, so to speak; but giving in this capacity truly makes you feel amazing. Also, remember there are tax benefits to donating so it’s a win-win too.

IN CONCLUSION. Money doesn’t make us, money doesn’t create us; we make money, we create money. Once you remember that, you can create all the wealth that you want. Wealth is your friend, go and hang out with it. Wealth creation is a mindset, it has everything to do with your thoughts and emotions and how you channel that power. The instant you start focusing on something larger than yourself is the moment when you will start to see money pouring into your life. So, what would you do with $500,000,000? Do you imagine yourself sitting around a pool all day sipping margaritas engaging in carnal acts? Or, would you selflessly build something larger than yourself? Start a foundation or build a baseball field or donate to a county library where others would benefit from your generosity? I have to believe that the person who would build for others must be blessed!

I hope this article has benefited you! Thank you for reading this article and being a part of NOW-Power!


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